RMA Posers

Terms Of Use

Apophysis 3d Hack Walkthrough Tutorial

Terms Of Use for art by Debbie Gorecke aka Redmysticangel

Free tubes copyright:

© RMA POSERS.tripod.com
1. I do give general permission for my free tubes on this site. However,you may ONLY use my free tubes for personal/non-commercial projects.I don't make any money from these tubes and neither should you.


2. You MUST show my copyright on everything you make using my tubes or artwork.If the copyright I provide with the tubes doesn't look good on your project you can make one that does but the copyright MUST be there and MUST be legible on the finished project.

(If no link is allowed on the site you are posting your work you may leave off
the link only and use © RMA Posers. Otherwise, please use the complete copyright as shown above.) 

3. You may animate or colorize my tubes to match the project you are working on.  

4. You may NOT combine my art with that of another artist as only one copyright can be shown on a finished product. This includes chopping off their heads & putting them on
other dolls...that is a NO NO.

5. You MAY show your watermark along with my copyright on your finished product.

6. Do NOT change the filename.

7. You may NOT re-distribute my tubes in their original form on any website.
8. You MAY forward my free tubes to yahoo or msn copyright aware tube groups providing you forward them with the proper copyright shown somewhere in the email. A link back to this site would also be nice but is not required.

9. You MAY use my free tubes in tutorials and provide them for use with the tutorials but you must include the copyright and a link back to http://rmaposers.tripod.com somewhere in the tutorial if you do so.


With all that being said, I do hope you find something you like and I would LOVE to see what you do with it!!!!!!
Edited 9/21/2010
Debbie Gorecke 
aka Redmysticangel 


If you have any questions that aren't covered in my terms of use I can be reached
at redmysticangel@gmail.com 
If the question is already answered in the terms of use I will not return the email. 




If you have any questions that aren't covered in my terms of use I can be reached
If the question is already answered in the terms of use I will not return the email.